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Deterioration of hair condition and loss is one of the most serious and most common problems that many women face. The cause of this can be both hormonal disorders, and a decrease in immunity, taking medications and certain diseases, a violation of the exchange of microelements and, of course, stress.

But the trichologists of the medical and cosmetology center Aesthetic Cosmetology call not to fall into despair. To date, there are many effective methods to help improve the scalp and restore hair. One of the most effective is the mesotherapy of the scalp. Due to its effectiveness, it is increasingly gaining the sympathy of consumers.
Mesotherapy of the scalp in Aesthetic Cosmetology is one of the most popular procedures in the care of hair health and has persistent results. It is used in the fight against dandruff, seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis, eliminates hair loss, etc. Due to its carrying out, the structure of the hair, their color, and the growth are accelerated. Since mesotherapy is the injection into the scalp of nutritional and curative substances by injection methods, it can be performed only by specialists in medical and cosmetology centers and salons with the necessary license.

Read more here https://hairtoolexpert.com/best-flat-iron-reviews.html

When carrying out the mesotherapy of the scalp in Aesthetic Cosmetology, using a special device with thin microneedles, specially selected meso-cocktails are introduced into the skin. At the same time, the protective functions of the skin are also increased, metabolic processes are activated and tone is improved. During the procedures, specially selected cocktails from the Israeli brand Hikari Laboratories are used.
The introduction of therapeutic cocktails into the scalp during the procedure helps in the restoration of hair follicles and their nutrition. Specially combined medicinal cocktails contain microelements, vitamins and amino acids, various active ingredients and minerals. Depending on the case, the doctor-trichologist of the cosmetic center Aesthetic Cosmetology selects the individual cocktail composition, which depends on the problem, its severity, the expected results.
Thanks to the procedures of mesotherapy of the scalp in Aesthetic Cosmetology, you will be able to solve problems with excessive hair loss, dandruff, dryness, skin irritation and other problems. It helps to improve the supply of the epidermis with nutrients and stimulates blood circulation. It is mesotherapy that often becomes a suitable solution for many clients who have tried to cope with hair problems on their own for a long time, but without any results.
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4 комментария
2017-11-02 13:19:12
2017-11-02 14:06:09
видимо ошибка
2017-11-03 10:50:10
Потрясающая статья! Столько новой информации!!!
2017-11-03 14:02:42
Нормально. я сейчас как раз английский осваиваю. попытаюсь перевести))


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